The Final Source Procurement Tariff was implemented in April 2018 by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK). The limit, which was announced as 50 million kWh/year for 2018, was reduced to 10 million kWh/year for 2019 and to 7 million kWh/year for 2020. The current electricity tariffs do not apply to this tariff. Irrespective of the tariff, a formula for the final source procurement tariff has been disclosed by EMRA.
Final Source Procurement Tariff price calculation formula is (PTF + YEKDEM) x KBK, where PTF (Market Exchange Price) is the average of the weighted average daily market exchange prices realized in the organized wholesale market for the relevant invoicing period, YEKDEM (Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism) is the YEKDEM unit cost for the relevant invoicing period, and KBK is the coefficient determined taking into account all costs except energy supply cost, and reasonable profit. KBK has been determined as 1,0938 for 2019.
Batıenerji supplies electricity to electricity consumers those have annual power consumptions of 7 million kWh and more, through different payment options in accordance with the Final Source Procurement Tariff formula.
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